Sometimes doubts about how the calculation is being made when multiple operations are being used. As of now, this calculator is limited only to 10 fractions.Press AC button to clear the fraction equation.Press Backspace if you want to delete one number at a time.Press Equal button if you are done with your fraction.You can only press numerator button if you delete the denominator by pressing the backspace button. Once pressed, you cannot press whole number or numerator button again. Press denominator button for your denominator.Zeroes will be pressed after non-zero numbers are pressed. You can only press whole number button again if you delete the numerator by pressing the backspace button. Once numerator button is pressed, you can no longer press whole number button. This means that you need to press the whole number or numerator button first. You cannot press denominator button if you have not pressed whole number or denominator button. Press the whole number button if your fraction has a whole number or you can directly press the numerator button if you don’t need whole number.Operations involving fractions, whole numbers, and mixed numbers.You only need to press first the whole number button followed by fraction then you can proceed to any operation you want. The whole number buttons in the calculator is larger than the numerator and denominator buttons. When dealing with mixed numbers, the important point to remember if you use this calculator is never forget to enter the whole numbers. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of mixed numbers.Follow the steps in adding fractions but instead of pressing add (+) button, press multiply (x) button for multiplication and divide (÷) button for division.

Repeat the steps above except the last step.Answer and solution will be displayed above. Press the equal (=) button to calculate the answer.Press any number from the denominator buttons for the second fraction.Press any number from the numerator buttons for the second fraction.Press any number from the denominator buttons.Press any number from the numerator buttons.This calculator has been designed for easy use.